This is the daily routine I go through with my pets. I find it is very helpful to develop a routine, so that you can make sure all of the animals get what they need and I find it helps your pets to keep them on a routine. They have good inner clocks and can tell when it is time for play or dinner.
The first thing I do every morning is take my dog outside for potty time. We go for a morning walk. Then once we come in, I feed her breakfast.
Then I check the cats food and water to make sure they didn't run out over night.
Next I prepare breakfast for the rats & guinea pig. I give them whatever fresh veggies I have at the time- lettuces, carrots, peppers, broccoli, etc... They all know it is breakfast time and are very excited and waiting.
Guinea pig gets fed first. I like to use a word to signify food time. My word is nummy. Then the boys and last the girls because I have more girls and they are far more excited about food then the boys.
Then I check food levels of all their kibble and refill as needed. I check all water bottles as well.
Now it is time for the boys to come out to play for free range time. I spend some time with them snuggling and playing. Then they just get free time to run around.
During the day I take the dog out a bunch, play & work on training with the dog. And check in on the rats. This is also the time when I would brush the cats & trim nails as needed.
Early evening...
The dog and I take our evening walk. Then she gets fed her dinner.
I spend some more time playing with the boys before putting them back in their cage.
I give the girls some treats, spend some time with them and let them out of their cage for their play free range time. It works really well and rats can adjust to our schedules. The boys are super awake and ready to play in the morning, while the girls are sleepy lazy butts all day.
After dark is usually when I play with the cats.
Bedtime routine...
I check and refill the cats water and food.
I put the dog to bed in her crate.
It is dinner time for the rats & guinea pig. And I give them lots of fresh yummys. And once again check kibble and water levels.
I then play with the girls for alittle while before putting them to bed for the night.
Ofcourse throughout the day all the animals get spontaneous love, affection, cuddles and playtime. I usually do cage & litterbox changes in the afternoon.
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