I did it in kindof a rush. My cage was too small, my food was crap. But as I learned I got them better food and a huge cage.
My first rats:
a Berkshire Dumbo Eared
Birthday- 10/20/2011 (guesstimate from what I know)
She is my curious, adventurous and nonstop go ratty. She is the first one to get into mischief. She also is alot more sweeter. She loves to climb all over me and will run up during her playtime, climb onto my lap, up my shirt and onto my shoulder. She loves to chew and destroy her cage and her hammocks. She prefers to sleep inside of things rather then on them like the hammocks, so she is usually found at the bottom of her cage in the box or under the blankets.
She got her name from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Willow even had a pet rat, well it was her friend Amy. But my name is Aimee so... lol
Sadly Willow was rehomed along with her sister Isis when I had to move suddenly.

a Mismarked Variegated
Birthday- 10/20/2011 (guesstimate from what I know)
She was my heart rat. She was much more cautious and skittish then her sister Willow. During playtime she would hide away the whole time. But she was always the first one to greet me when I opened the cage.
She was such a little piggie and loved her food alot. She would sit and let me hold her often. She was a very special rat. Sadly she developed tumors and passed away at the end of 2013.
She got her name from TrueBlood.
Later came....
I got her in early 2013. She never really warmed up to me. But she was a pretty girl. I sadly had to rehome her after Sookie got her tumors because she began picking on her badly.
I had a Midwest Critternation cage that I loved.
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